Schoharie HS Student Pauline Yearry, who is in the Pet Tech program at BOCES helped an elementary school class from Mohonasen learn about animals from geckos to bearded dragons and dogs that the kids learned about. -Learning Pet Tech to take care of.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Helen Thompson and her students guided younger students through various stations while high school students shared their experiences in grooming dogs, feeding bearded dragons and taking care of geckos, rabbit fish and other animals.
“It’s cool,” exclaimed fifth-grader Joseph after kissing Slick, a bearded dragon while Pauline Yearry helped.
Thompson said the experience benefited both the visiting elementary school students and her CTE students who had to prepare and deliver talking points about different animals and communicate. in a way that young scholars can understand.
There are 30 students enrolled in the program which teaches students basic animal care skills, including grooming, washing and best practices for boarding. Students also learn about customer service, written and oral communication, office and computer skills, telephone etiquette, budgeting and money management, inventory and ordering, advertising, basic accounting and business math.