I know many tricks, which my man taught me. High fives, bell ringing, jumping through hoops, and more. But there’s one trick he didn’t teach me, and it’s what all cats know: how to train people!
That’s right, you people are trained to do your cat tricks. And we use the same methods people use when they train us: persistence and routine. Because that’s what we know, and what we’re good at.
You do not believe me? If you don’t think your cat taught you anything, let me know which one you do.
- Wake up an hour (or two or three) early to give us a morning snack.
- Allow us to go to the dining table and/or counter as we please.
- Bought a cat tree and a bunch of scratchers because we keep scrambling for furniture.
- Sitting or sleeping in an uncomfortable position for hours because we are perched on top of you.
- Twisting yourself into weird positions to save our favorite toy cat that we batted under the sofa, just because we asked you to. Although we obviously batted it there on purpose.
When we cats want something, or want a behavior from our humans, we won’t stop until we get it. The main reason people are less successful training cats is because they give up so easily!
As soon as a cat falls into a harness, or a trick takes more than two three-minute sessions to learn, a person gives up. We cats won’t stop waking you up at 4 AM until we get our snack.
Just imagine what you could do with your big human brain if you worked as hard as we cats do with our little walnut-sized brains! You can also figure out a way to keep your cat from waking you up at 4 AM. Think about that!
What did your cat train you to do? I really want to know! Let’s talk about it in the comments.
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