If you live in an area where bears sometimes roam the neighborhood, you know how important it is to keep your trash cans secure, so they don’t dive into the dumpsters. ACB News shared a video of a ‘gang’ (actually just two) of bears working together to steal a trash can from a home in Connecticut and you have to see it to believe it!
What’s funny about this video shared in early March is that one seems to be working as a keeper while the other bear does all the dirty work. And as soon as he picked up the trash can and moved it, he dropped it and literally rolled it!
It is very funny, and those people are “beary” sneaky! The lookout bear did a great job monitoring the scene, and the two didn’t even realize they were caught by the people inside the house! No word from ABC News on where the trash can ended up or if the bears got into it, but I’m sure they worked hard to get it open!
Related: LOL Man’s Reaction to Finding Bear in His Trash Is Funny
How to Deal with Bears in the Neighborhood
We don’t live where bears roam, and I’m fine with that! But many people have to share their neighborhoods with bears, and have to take extra precautions with their trash, yards, and even their pets.
Bears have very good memories, so if you have bears in your neighborhood and they see trash or food around your home, they will remember it. They also have a great sense of smell and can smell garbage and food and find the source. If you have birdfeeders full of bird seeds, that’s a treat they’ll happily eat too! But, if bears can’t find anything to eat, they’ll just keep going until they find something to eat.
Be sure to keep trash cans secure and pet food or any other animal food needs to be secured as well. They make bear-resistant containers, and these are the containers you need to have. If you ever order Door Dash or groceries to be delivered to your door, don’t let the driver leave the food on your porch! Believe it or not, many people have had food stolen by bears and raccoons!
Another thing many of us have in our yards are barbecue grills. If you have one, be sure to burn all the food in it after each use or the bears will try to eat anything left on the grill…and sometimes they’ll help themselves if there’s hot food on the grill!
Never accidentally feed a bear no matter how exciting it is to watch them eat the snack you gave them…remember they have good memories, and they will keep coming back for more.
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