Throughout the production process, farmed salmon are subject to many stress events, including crowding and general handling, as well as treatments for sea lice and other parasites. The stress caused by these events has an impact on the fish due to lost feeding days, reduced growth potential, and an increased risk of secondary infections that may result in lower final harvest weight and decreased quality.
Recommended to be used strategically before and immediately after any planned stress event, BioMar aims its new preventative salmon healthcare supplement – SmartCare Calm – to help farmers reduce the risks posed by stress to welfare which will help their maintain the expected level of performance.
“Calm is a great addition to the SmartCare range of products we already have. While the need to treat fish for sea lice to stay within regulatory limits is a necessity, we also understand that these types of stress events can bring them other challenges that can have long-lasting negative effects. The introduction of Calm can alleviate some of these production pains,” said Torunn Forberg, product marketing manager at BioMar.