Author: Summer Samba

Do you have a cat sink? Someone shows up at your bathroom sink when you least expect it? While lying on a hard surface may seem less comfortable to you, many cats find the sink to be one of the best napping surfaces in the house. And there are reasons for this.Sinks are perfectly sized for cat bedsMost sinks are the size of cat beds! And they are a similar shape too, with a rounded space to bend. So of course your cats see it as a built in sleeping spot.Keeps them cool in hot weatherYou may notice that cats…

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I got to have a therapy cat visit with my assisted living pals this week. Many of my regulars are in the great room. When I got there, one of them immediately greeted me and I sat on the couch next to him. On the other side of the couch is the woman who loves my visits, but doesn’t recognize me anymore. He was lying on his back, sleeping. While the other girl was caressing me, I wagged my tail on the sleeping girl’s arm. He caressed it gently and I wonder if he dreamed about the cats he had…

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Happy Cat World Domination Day! Over the past few years, we’ve had some pretty elaborate theme parties to celebrate. But this year, I decided to keep things simple. But still have fun – it’s party time, after all! And I’m always happy for an excuse to wear a party dress.I have a whole play area with boxes and tunnels! You can play here naked if you want.This year, we only have desserts — kitty-sized chicken cupcakes with unsweetened whipped cream frosting.And we have enough catnip juleps to go around!You’re probably wondering about the giveaway. That’s small too, but all the…

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I know I’m late, but don’t worry, I think my cat tarot card reading for June will be worth the wait! As you can see, I have a new outfit for my readings.I will go back to the Mystical Cats book and tarot cards. The artwork is truly creative and lends itself to inspired interpretation. My man will mix the major arcana for me, and I’ll see what I’m forced to choose.Wow, it’s the Chariot! Who knew June would be this strong?Let’s take a closer look at it. As you can see, the cat leads his chariot, controlling the two…

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I started my cat therapy visit at the big hospital a little differently. My guy had some volunteer supplies dropped off, and since it was in the same building as the Cancer Center, that’s where we went first. Except the Cancer Center is empty! They finished early and the nurse went home. So I visited the receptionist for a few minutes before heading to Labor and Delivery.I haven’t been to Labor and Delivery in a while, but when I do, it’s always fun! Nurses love seeing therapy pets and they get excited. And they announced our arrival over the intercom.…

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Even if you’ve never heard the phrase “cat distribution system,” I’m sure you know what it is! In fact, it has probably happened to you. Somehow, by some twist of fate, you ended up with a cat when you didn’t mean to get one.OriginThe phrase “cat distribution system” is still new. It first appeared on TikTok in November, 2022 when user @hermes.the.cynic explained it. For years, my human just referred to it as “the cat happening.” And that’s how she ended up with most of the cats in her life — including a couple she didn’t keep but ended up…

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If there’s a cat in your life, you’ve probably wondered how they perceive you. Do they think of you as a parent? Another cat? Do they know you’re a different class? Despite many expert opinions, from cat behaviorists to anthrozoologists, there is really no consensus on how cats perceive people, let alone the people they live with. Why is this? Simple. Because no one thought to ask the cats.Of course, most people don’t know how to ask cats anything. But it’s simpler than you think. You just need to understand a little about how cats see the world around them,…

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We ran out of food again, so I visited the pet shop again! I know, it seems like I’m running out of food! But there is a reason. Since I’m a small cat and I don’t eat a lot, my human buys every brand of my food at different pet shops. That way, he spreads out our visits to a variety of small local businesses. And I get more outings. So it’s a win for everyone.There was a big dog in the shop when we arrived, so we kept our distance until he and his owner left. While we waited…

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We’re a little late in announcing this year’s Cat World Domination Day! It’s coming fast, just ten days from this post. June 24 is on a Monday this year, and of course there is a party!You may or may not know the history of Cat World Domination Day. It started in 2012, on the birthday of Sparkle, the founder of this blog. My man couldn’t come up with a nice gift for her, so he gave her a holiday instead. And it became an annual celebration.When I got here, it continued. My first was a fairly simple affair.But eventually they…

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My human tried something a little different for my therapy cat visit at the children’s hospital this week. With all our needs, he packed my bell. So I have to call it for a couple of kids in the lobby. They loved it, and so did their parents. I did tricks for some patients, which always made people happy.There are many exam rooms to visit at this time, and many children in wheelchairs. As I’ve said before, you’re never quite sure what the patients are for here, and although the focus is often on orthopedics, that covers a lot of…

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