Author: Lorre Luther

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinary research. Learn more ยป If your cat has been coughing lately, you may wonder if something is going on that warrants a veterinary examination, especially if your companion’s cough sounds like he’s channeling a duck. The sounds cats make when they cough are often difficult to describe, and often confusing, due to the lack of standardization regarding coughing vocabulary. Some people may further describe it as retching, or hacking, although these terms can mean different things to different people. Coughing can be further confusing due to colloquial terms…

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Cats express their feelings in subtle ways, which can be difficult for humans to recognize. Sorting out signs of pain and discomfort in cats can be difficult, partly because they are evolutionarily programmed to hide indications that they are unwell to protect themselves from predators. . It can be difficult to determine if cats are experiencing discomfort for similar reasons. Sometimes lips can indicate that a cat is in pain, especially if they are also expressing other signs of illness. Lips during defecation may be something your cat is doing, or it may be an indication of discomfort. Difficulty having…

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Not being able to find your cat can be a scary experience, and it’s easy to go into panic mode, but keeping a calm, cool head is essential when creating an effective plan to find your cat. The first step is to search your house again, systematically going from room to room and checking places like closets, under beds, in attics, and even kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Cats are good at hiding, so be sure to search the house well. The sound of a can being opened or the whiff of tuna can sometimes bring cats out of hiding. If…

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Argan oil is often found in cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. It is also commonly used as a carrier for essential oils. Some evidence suggests it may benefit humans, including hydrating skin and hair, and even helping reduce inflammation. The oil can be used for cooking and even as a seasoning, just like olive oil. Although studies have been conducted on the safety and effectiveness of argan oil when used by humans, similar evidence is lacking regarding cats. To be safe, it’s probably best not to feed argan oil or use it on your cat. Argan and Essential Oils Argan…

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Kitty litter has several uses other than making it possible for cats to use the bathroom indoors, including providing emergency traction to help cars move on snowy days and cleaning up oil spills. Kitty litter is easy to use because it absorbs liquid, making it incredibly versatile. It’s also easy to find, relatively inexpensive, and a great product to use because it can be useful in so many situations. Kitty litter can be used to absorb oil, but it is most effective when used to absorb fresh spills. When it comes to long-standing spills, using a product specifically designed to…

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Although cats are often thought of as not very interested in humans, they are sensitive, loving creatures that become deeply attached to the people they share their lives with. Companion cats form bonds with their humans similar to those formed between infants and their caregivers, so it makes sense that some struggle when their source of love, affection, and security is not available. Since the presence of their favorite human also helps cats manage anxiety, some find it very difficult to be left alone. Cats that cry when their favorite person leaves the house often suffer from separation anxiety. What…

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Emotional support animals (ESA) are categorized apart from service animals and, therefore, are subject to their own rules, regulations, and requirements. They are important animals that provide comfort and emotional support to individuals with mental health conditions. To qualify for an ESA, pets in the United States are generally required to obtain a prescription letter from a mental health professional documenting the presence of a mental health condition. While ESAs are not required to wear vests in public, having a service cat vest that identifies the animal as an ESA can be fine in some situations. How Are Service Animals…

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