Author: Clarisse Q

Emma’s story is a heart touching one. He was left outside a shelter in a crate with only a few blankets and toys. At 14 years old and weighing just 4.5 pounds, Emma faced a scary and uncertain future until a kind couple, Adrian and Spencer, saw her picture on the shelter’s website. Image Source Credit via YouTube Seeing this little old dog in need made them very sad, and they wanted to help. At first, they contacted the shelter to donate blankets or anything to make Emma more comfortable. But soon, they felt a deeper connection with him. They…

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Imagine a world where every puppy is loved from the start. Unfortunately, this is not the case for a little puppy abandoned in a village who deserves nothing but love. Cruelly separated from her mother by heartless individuals, she is left alone to fend for herself. Confused and sad, he wandered the village, sniffing around for small bits of food. He doesn’t understand why his family left him. Missing his mother so much, the puppy couldn’t hold back his tears and cried loudly, hoping she would hear him and come back. When a rescue team received an emergency call about…

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