Author: Christopher Bays

Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Flying through the gentle skies is undoubtedly a cat’s preferred mode of travel as they love high places, can see migrating flocks of birds in the distance if their owner holds them up to the window, and can check out some new perfume coming from happy passengers. Cats feel at home on airlines, just like people. While my cynicism for air travel knows no bounds, I still think it’s the safest way to travel, with or without a cat. However, the idea…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Cats have a reputation for being more mysterious and spiritual than other animals, and while I marvel at their actions and respect their cunning minds, I don’t think they are psychic or telepathic. I am cynical about spiritualism, but I admit that cats and their owners engage in unspoken communication. Cats are not telepathic in the science fiction sense; they can’t move objects with their minds or make birds fly through brick walls, but they are clever at anticipating our actions from…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Some musicians make songs and videos for cats, but do cats appreciate them or secretly wish their owners would stop subjecting them to noise? Pet owners probably hope their cats have similar taste in music, but unless they can manipulate the stereo or phone controls, their cats don’t have a choice. Our music is our cat; the polka fan’s pet listens to polka music, and the DJ’s cat is subjected to dance music and is probably hard of hearing. Your tastes change…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Carrying your cat is hard when they don’t want to be held or picked up, and when I adopted a Russian Blue kitten, he used up my blood supply for months before I was allowed to hold him on my shoulder. Sometimes, I can’t pick him up because, like a hedgehog, he curls up in a ball and attacks my hands with claws and teeth. Olga’s Tolerance of Me I’m glad she doesn’t have quills, but that’s the only thing that differentiates…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Life with a cat is rarely dull, and most healthy cats find some way to annoy their owners. It’s cruel to punish an animal for their behavior, but I think it’s okay, to some extent, to tease or annoy your pet from time to time. They don’t understand the humor behind a practical joke or understand the complexities of improv comedy, which is okay because I’m in the same boat, but they probably notice when their owners pick on them. Before you…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Most of the pet owners in my neighborhood have dogs, and although I’ve seen a few cats roaming around outside, I’ve never been lucky enough to meet anyone using a cat stroller. Cat walkers with harnesses have become more acceptable, but some owners may be self-conscious about carting their cats around in a stroller. Being unusual, some may not want to be called “the weird neighbor who pampers their cat like a baby.” I have no problem with practice, but it is…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. I’ve had a Siamese cat for almost 20 years and I’ve gotten used to her constant chattering and purring. Unlike Olga, she doesn’t stop talking unless I’m petting her or she’s sleeping. I wasn’t used to having a quiet pet when I adopted Olga, and when she was a kitten, she sounded more like a mouse than a cat because her meows sounded like screeches. He is more talkative now, especially in the morning before breakfast, and his vocal range is wider.…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. When I traveled to Thailand last year, I left Olga at my parents’ house. It was the first time he was away from home for more than a few hours, and unfortunately for my parents, he wasn’t the best house guest for the first few days. He remained hidden during the day, and when they slept, he cried all night. After the third day, they said he was more friendly and happy to curl up in their laps. Accompanying him is not…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll creates a potion that turns him into a murderous monster. Although he can be controlling at first when his alter ego appears, Mr. Hyde. I never associated my pets with Robert Louis Stevenson’s Victorian thrillers until I adopted Olga. Like plum sauce, he is a mixture of sweet and sour, and he can instantly switch from one to the other. It doesn’t happen all the time. Sometimes, he’s kind even…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Unlike many owners, I don’t wake up in the middle of the night because my cat is screaming for food or scratching at the door. Olga can be annoying, stubborn, and aggressive but rarely disturbs my sleep. He likes to take naps in various locations in my house, including a rocking chair in the spare bedroom, an ancient Lazy Boy recliner in the living room, and under the couch and bed. He doesn’t have a cat bed or preferred sleeping place, which…

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