Author: Christopher Bays

Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. I try not to bore my dog-loving friends with too many cat stories, but it’s hard because I live with a hilarious goofball who never ceases to surprise me. Cats are fascinating subjects, and I doubt I’ll have trouble writing about Olga’s antics. Although, like most cats, he dislikes change and enjoys following a routine, he can be unpredictable. I can expect him to stare at me and whine when dinner is hours away, but he doesn’t start the begging process at…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Most kittens are wild and energetic, but they grow up quickly, and some reach maturity faster than others. Olga is not very affectionate as a kitten, but she loves to play and gets irritated if I ignore her; even loner needs attention. I didn’t consider him an “old soul” until he entered adulthood and became more independent. He still looks like a young cat but seems smarter than other cats his age. Olga is less energetic, at least not to any measurable…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. When the temperature and humidity rise in late spring, I notice a change in Olga’s routine and habits. Her increased shedding is a biological change that prepares her for summer, but she also acts differently than in winter. It’s not as deep as Dr.’s transformation. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and you won’t see the difference unless you live with him. Olga is not a clingy cat, although she likes to be around when I’m working, resting, or cooking. In the winter, he…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. When Olga was a kitten, she was not very naughty and always ran into the kitchen when she smelled my cooking. I gave him dry food every day and wet food a few times a week, and I made the mistake of copying my old cat food. Free feeding is not recommended for most pets, but my Siamese cat never became overweight when allowed to graze all day on kibble. Free Feeding Frenzy I shouldn’t feed Olga for free; his head was…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. I didn’t know much about Russian Blues until I adopted one, but after watching Olga transform from a psychotic kitten to a friendly, mischievous, middle-aged woman, I learned a lot. His physical characteristics, such as his blue coat, light green eyes, and 10.06-pound weight, seem to follow the breed standard. Olga is a rescue cat; I haven’t had her DNA tested, and I’m no expert in identifying cats, so she may be purebred or mixed. I think he has a lot of…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. When your cat knows that a trip to the vet’s office is coming up, you may have a hard time finding them. I put Olga’s carrier in the living room for a few days before her vet appointments to confuse her, but it didn’t help. He knows when I take him to the vet because his appointments are always early in the morning, and I don’t feed him breakfast. If I go to the bathroom to take a shower instead of feeding…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Although I’ve owned cats since I was 21, I don’t consider myself a cat person. Olga is a wonderful cat, and I love her, but I also miss having a dog. I’ve never understood why some cat owners hate dogs and think they’re inferior to cats, but I’m more bothered by people, pet owners or not, who is afraid of cats. They have sharp claws and teeth, but how many domestic cats maul their owners to death? Most of them weigh less…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Flying through the gentle skies is undoubtedly a cat’s preferred mode of travel as they love high places, can see migrating flocks of birds in the distance if their owner holds them up to the window, and can check out some new perfume coming from happy passengers. Cats feel at home on airlines, just like people. While my cynicism for air travel knows no bounds, I still think it’s the safest way to travel, with or without a cat. However, the idea…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Cats have a reputation for being more mysterious and spiritual than other animals, and while I marvel at their actions and respect their cunning minds, I don’t think they are psychic or telepathic. I am cynical about spiritualism, but I admit that cats and their owners engage in unspoken communication. Cats are not telepathic in the science fiction sense; they can’t move objects with their minds or make birds fly through brick walls, but they are clever at anticipating our actions from…

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Some musicians make songs and videos for cats, but do cats appreciate them or secretly wish their owners would stop subjecting them to noise? Pet owners probably hope their cats have similar taste in music, but unless they can manipulate the stereo or phone controls, their cats don’t have a choice. Our music is our cat; the polka fan’s pet listens to polka music, and the DJ’s cat is subjected to dance music and is probably hard of hearing. Your tastes change…

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