Author: AOL Staff

The kitten stage passes very quickly. One minute you bring your cat home from the shelter and then BOOM — they’re a full grown cat. A woman in California was surprised by how quickly her kitten had grown since bringing her home. In fact, the Maine Coon Cat is almost as big as his human.Maine Coon Cats are known for being large, but this one is really eye-opening.Woman shares her big kitty in a video online. The cat is only 9 months old, but he is huge. When his owner picked him up, he looked a little big, but then…

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If you live in an area where bears sometimes roam the neighborhood, you know how important it is to keep your trash cans secure, so they don’t dive into the dumpsters. ACB News shared a video of a ‘gang’ (actually just two) of bears working together to steal a trash can from a home in Connecticut and you have to see it to believe it!What’s funny about this video shared in early March is that one seems to be working as a keeper while the other bear does all the dirty work. And as soon as he picked up the…

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A dog reunites with its owner.One family’s unwavering hope — and commitment to their dog’s microchip — has cultivated a wonderful reunion, 10 years in the making.The Florida crew lost their pup Cleo in 2014 when the inquisitive Cockapoo ran away from home, and despite never seeing her again, her family continued to update her microchip at all times. years since then, the Humane Society of Tampa Bay said in a Facebook post.As time passed, many other pet owners might have thought they’d given up hope of ever seeing their furry friend again, but Cleo’s family held on to a…

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The stars are out for Hollywood’s biggest night! No, we’re not talking about the 96th Academy Awards, which debuted on Sunday, March 10. We’re talking about the adorable animals of Meyer’s Pet Care, who recreated the movie posters of the nominated films of the Oscars this year.You can barely tell the difference between the posters — okay, maybe there’s a few main difference. But they are similar.Shared by a day care facility, the video shows that with a little effort (and some very cooperative pets) you can create some real masterpieces.Related: Cat’s Dramatic Performance During Nail Trim Seriously Deserves an…

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Do you give your dog a bone to chew on? According to veterinarian Amir Anwary, you might want to rethink this. As a veterinarian, he says he doesn’t condone giving your dog any bones to chew on, but he also admits to giving bones to his dogs himself.He shared a video on Wednesday, March 6th and said that if you’re going to give your dog a bone, these five are the worst to give them, and avoid them at all costs. Can you guess which one is the worst?It means a lot, and Dr. Anwary has made many commenters reconsider…

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Mar. 10—Q: I have a 15-year-old male cat that is about 7 kilograms (15 pounds). For the last eight months his fur has been falling out in small clumps. He does not lick or scratch himself. He has a very good appetite. He drinks more water than usual and urinates. His breath stinks. The vet checked his mouth and teeth. They ran some tests and said he was fine. I don’t know if the thyroid test was done.Dr. Nichol: Your cat is not OK; honestly he should be licking himself at least once in a while. The rows of barbs…

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If you live in an area where bears sometimes roam the neighborhood, you know how important it is to keep your trash cans secure, so they don’t dive into the dumpsters. ACB News shared a video of a ‘gang’ (actually just two) of bears working together to steal a trash can from a home in Connecticut and you have to see it to believe it!What’s funny about this video shared in early March is that one seems to be working as a keeper while the other bear does all the dirty work. And as soon as he picked up the…

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Dr. Adam Christman is a veterinarian who shares all kinds of pet-related information on his social media platforms, and it’s always helpful. He recently attended the Western Veterinary Conference and shared his Top 5 favorite innovative products for cats and dogs that he saw while there.She shared the video on Thursday, February 29th, and some of these products are really cool! From dental wipes for your puppy’s teeth to a product that helps with separation anxiety to even a ‘smart’ litter box, these products will be life changing for many pet parents!Which is your favorite new find? While I don’t…

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Dogs on Dartmoor now have to be on short leads to protect nesting birds and other animals, park bosses say.The protection period will last from now until July 31, the Dartmoor National Park Authority said.Dartmoor rangers were out advising dog walkers, while handing out treats, leads and poo bags, they said.Their advice includes how important it is to protect birds, as well as sheep, foals and calves.The initiative is organized by Dartmoor National Park Authority, The National Trust and Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society.Ella Briens, deputy head ranger, said: “The engagement weekend is an important way for us to highlight the…

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Dogs on Dartmoor now have to be on short leads to protect nesting birds and other animals, park bosses say.The protection period will last from now until July 31, the Dartmoor National Park Authority said.Dartmoor rangers were out advising dog walkers, while handing out treats, leads and poo bags, they said.Their advice includes how important it is to protect birds, as well as sheep, foals and calves.The initiative is organized by Dartmoor National Park Authority, The National Trust and Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society.Ella Briens, deputy head ranger, said: “The engagement weekend is an important way for us to highlight the…

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