Author: Dr. Cynthia Maro, Beaver County Times

Dr. Cynthia Maro | Special to The TimesChristmas, and all the December holidays, can be a very happy time for people and pets, if pet owners take care of the physical, emotional and mental well-being of their companions.No vet wants to see their patients as sick visits or discharge papers from the emergency room the day after the holidays.Follow these tips for more joy at Christmas and throughout the new year.Food safetyIn the kitchen while preparing food, keep pets away from food preparation areas. Onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, avocado skins and seeds, chocolate, and cooking fat/meat can cause severe pancreatitis…

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Dr. Cynthia Maro | Special to The TimesA few weeks ago, one of my patients and I had a shocking event, literally. The dog and I interacted and shocked each other with static electricity.Water, fluid and moisture requirements for pets are increasingThis phenomenon is not a direct result of dehydration, but rather a build-up of abnormal electrical charge. I often see patients/pets experiencing static electricity are, in fact, dehydrated, as evidenced by their blood work and have very dry skin.Forced air heat and low humidity lead to a greater need for water or food with additional moisture.Occasional mild dehydration is…

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