Author: [email protected] (Russell Toon)

Middleton LakesGreen-winged Teal in JW north, (MSm) – also 2x Avocet, Redshank, Blackcap, (NSl)ChasewaterG.N Diver, Shag, 5x golden eyes, 18x GC Grebe, 2x oyster catcher, 2x swallow, 30x Sand Martin, 3x Blackcap from south coast and dam, (CW) – early afternoon 70x Sand Martin2x swallow(GHa)Branston GPs1 w Little Gull still on SMP2 viewed from Small Meadows Lane, Male Scaup, Common Sandpiper, 2x Green Sandpiper, 4x ringed plover, 2x redshanks, 14x Curlew, 3x oyster catcher, 3x Little Egret, 36x golden eyes, 16x Pochard, 25x Shelduck, 18x Gadwall, 14x Wigeon, 18x by the way 120x Teal, 2x Mandarin, 33x Little Grebe, Common…

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BerryhillBlack Redstart along fence lines near Palletstacks mound at 08:40, (JOa) – 5x wheat, 3 on the mound and 2 from Viewpoint, 2x stonechat, (RTo)Whitemoor HaySlavonian Grebe however, only view from Barley Green Lane and please do not enter the field, 2x LRP,2xCurlew(SC)Uttoxeter Quarry6x Black-tailed Godwit, 7x Sand Martin, 22x Wigeon, 75x Teal, 2x Cetti’s Warbler, (RPo)Blithfield ResvOsprey past this morning,Pendeford Hall Lane3x LRP, Yellowhammer, (I’m going)Tucklesholme2x Wheatear in the sheep field across the river, (TWy)Stanley Pooleswallow, (DCo)Wetley MoorSwallow, Blackcap, 2x Willow Tit, 4x Stonechat, Snipe2x Lapwing(DCo)Tittesworth Water210x Common Gull, 2x golden eyes, 2x Goosander, 7x Oystercatcher, Barn Owl(SGi, JA)Longsdon…

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Whitemoor Hay3x Whooper Swan and Ruddy Shelduck in field below Sittles farm, 11x golden eyes, 13x Gadwall, c50x Wigeon, 25x Shelduck, 36x by the way 31x Pochard, 2x Goosander, Merlin, Peregrine, Great Egret, Little Egret, 12x Egyptian Goose, 3x Little Grebe, c50x linen, 3x chiffchaff, 4x Stonechat, Gray Partridge, 52x Lapwing, (SCo) – Marsh Harrier, (TSl) Whooper Swan by Rob BendelowBlithfield ResvWhooper Swan east over Blithe Bay, (GJM) – 6x golden eyes, (TDu)Tittesworth Water19x Whooper Swan done, c200x Pink-footed Goose, 30x Wigeon, 2x Goosander, 2x Willow Tit5x laziness, (SGi, IB, IF)Dimmingsdale (Alton)250x Pink-footed Goose in the west at 09:45, (TEy)Wilbrighton…

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Stanley PooleWhooper Swan8x Goosander and at Carmountside Flash 63x Teal, (Ala)Rudyard Lakewoman Red-breasted Merganser at the north end at 10:30 then fly to the center of the lake, (DCo)Whitemoor Hay3x Whooper Swan still, 11x Egyptian Goose2x Peregrine(CMa, RFe)Branston GPsDrake Scaup in North pit, Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 17x Curlew, 742x Lapwing, Little Egret, 27x golden eyes, 59x Pochard, 62x Wigeon, 250x Teal, 6x Shelduck, 6x Egyptian Goose, 38x Little Grebe, 84x Common Gull, 6x YL Gull, 2x GBB Gold, 2x Water Railway, 4x Stonechat(JWo)Scaup by Jon WoodcockGBB Gull by Jon WoodcockChasewaterAd Iceland Gull also in the roost 3x GN Diver…

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Cheddleton2x Waxwing at 08:35 moment Woodlands Avenue then fly north, (DSc)Cheddleton – Consall2x Red Kite in 09L30, (DSc)Whistonred kite, (SJT)Keele6x Jack Snipe(MSu)Radford Meadows93x golden plover, 2x Dunlin, 489x Wigeon, 13x paint tail, 5x Shelduck, Little Egret, (CDa)Whitemoor Hay3x Whooper Swan still in the cereal field south of the rough track, Ruddy Shelduck, (Pa)Rudyard LakeRed-breasted Merganser still, (SGi)By Steve GibsonBranston GPs2x Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 17x Curlew, 700x Lapwing, Little Egret, 34x golden eyes, 49x Pochard, 24x Shelduck, 84x Wigeon, 20x by the way 150x Teal, 7x Egyptian Goose, 27x Little Grebe, 1 w Caspian Gull, 5x YL Gull, 6x…

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Barton under Needwood6x Waxwing briefly in the park at the end of Causer Lane then flew eastwards, (JWo, MCa)Waxwings by Jon WoodcockSilverdale CPA Waxwing above The Void at the entrance from Black Bank, (STi)Branston Water Park12x Wigeon, 90x Gadwall, 5x Pochard, 2x golden eyes, (DSc)Branston GPs2x Shelduck12x Wigeon, 3x Goosander, Goldeneye, 300x Lapwing(DSc)Cheddleton- forest of Consall4x Red Kite(DSc)Whitemoor Hay3x Whooper Swan still, Pink-footed Goose, 4x Gray Partridge, Chiffchaff2x Dunlin100x Lapwing, 25x Pochard, 22x by the way 12x Gadwall, (JWo, MCa) – Ruddy Shelduck8x Egyptian Goose, (BHa) – alsoCurlew, 2x stonechat, (DRi)Enford – DenfordJack Snipe, 24x Snipe, Willow Tit, Peregrine, Little…

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Whitemoor Hay3x WhooperSwan still, 10x Pink-footed Goose, Ruddy Shelduck, 24x by the way 6x golden eyes, 31x Pochard, 17x Gadwall, 8x Shelduck, 16x Egyptian Goose, 2x Great Egret, Little Egret, Curlew finished, 7x Stonechat, Peregrine, 2x chiffchaff, 2x redpoll, 8x Siskin, (SCo)Upper Tean300x Pink-footed Goose in the west at 12:35, (RPo)Middleton Lakes8x golden eyes, 7x Pochard, 2x Great Egret, 2x Stonechat, Cetti’s Warbler, Water Rail, (SP)Chasewaterold Iceland Gull, adult In Gold, YL Gull, 3x GN Diver, Shag, (Jal, KCl)Anywayred kite, (RBe)WombourneLittle Egret to Wombrook in betweenRailway walk at Gravel Hill, (AJo)Branston GPs5x Pink-footed Goose in the south at 16:40, redshanks,…

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Doxey Marsh5x Goosander, 4x Shelduck, 22x Gadwall, 2x Great Egret, 4x Little Egret, 2x laziness, 300x Lapwing, 10x Greenfinch, Cetti’s Warbler, (GPr)Uttoxeter Quarry2x redshanks, 1000x Lapwing, Pochard, 2x Shelduck, 30x Gadwall, 172x Wigeon, 152x Teal, Dipper, (RPo)CaverswallGreen Sandpiper by the River Blithe, (AR)Rudyard LakeRed-breasted Merganser still, golden eyes, 17x Wigeon, 2x Goosander, GBB Gull, Common Gull, (SSe) – 4x Goosander, 2x Little Egret, (MSv) Steve Seal’s Red-breasted MerganserTrentham GardensGoosander, (STu)Belvide ResvPeregrine, Little Egret, Pintail, 3x Shelduck, Stonechat, 10x Dunlin, Stonechat,…

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Whitemoor HaySlavonian Grebe, view from old quarry entrance to A38, 14x by the way73x Wigeon8x Golden eyes20x Gadwall46x Pochard, Goosander5x Small Great, Ruddy Shelduck,Cetti’s Warbler, Little Egret, 5x Gray Partridge,4x Stonechat, Cetti’s Warbler, (SCo) – also Ruddy Shelduck, Gray Partridge, 6x Shelduck, 20x Pochard, 11x Egyptian Goose, 2x Great Egret, GBB Gull, 2x chiffchaff, 15x linen, (JWo, CEc, Dean, SCo, MCa, TWy)Gray Partridge by Jon WoodcockRudyard LakeRed-breasted Merganser still from Stoke sea scouts hut also fem Goldeneye, (RP)Bucknall Park2x Dipper on the River Trent, (BMo)Flowerred kite, (They)Belvide Resvredhead smew only until 12:30, 17x paint tail,Westport Lake9x Pochard, Goosander, Willow Tit, 30x…

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Stafford2x Waxwing in the garden just before flying, (KMa)Barton under Needwood6x Waxwing still, park at end of Causer Road, (JWo, MCa)By Jon WoodcockRudyard LakeRed-breasted Merganser still, (JOa, SSe) also golden eyes, 2x Goosander, 3x laziness, 26x Siskin, (SSe)TamworthBorrowdale lake 4x Goosander, Little Egret, (MSc)Chatterley Whitfield2x Little Egret and a Barn Owl at 15:45, (PMo)Branston GPsDunlin, Snipe, 19x Curlew, Common Sandpiper, 4x Green Sandpiper, 800x Lapwing, 4x Little Egret, 11x golden eyes, 22x Pochard, 136x Wigeon, 20x by the way 9x Shelduck, 150x Teal, 4x Egyptian Goose, 26x Little Grebe, Ad Caspian Gull, 9x YL Gull, 7x GBB Gold, 7x Common…

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