Author: [email protected] (Russell Toon)

First Staff 2024 arrivalMiddleton Lakes7x Ringed Plover4x LRP, Avocet4x Red Shank, 2x Cuckoo, Goosander, (SP)Belvide ResvDrake Gargany, Blithfield ResvTurnstone and Common Sandpiper on the way, (PBe)Tittesworth WaterOsprey until 12:00, 12x oyster catcher, 2x Common Sandpiper2x LRP, Mandarin2x Pied Flycatcher10x Garden Warbler, (JOa, LH, LF)ElkstoneSpotted Flycatcher(SF, LF)Wolseley Centre2x Common Tern, Cetti’s Warbler, (AR)Cannock Chase3x Cuckoo, 7x Pipit tree(AR)Leeks5x swift, (JOa)Berryhill Botteslow FlashCommon Sandpiper(RTo, Mom)Rochester5x Swift ones(JDr)SandonMan Whinchat in the fields by the River Trent tonight, (RSw)Branston GPsGreenshank, Redshank4x Dunlin, 4x ringed plover, 3x oyster catcher, 2x Little Egret, 8x Common Tern, 14x Pochard, 12x Gadwall, 26x Shelduck, 5x Mandarin, 32x Little…

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Belvide ResvCommon Crane it’s only until 11:17,Whitemore Haye7x Growl still, (SCo)Middleton LakesGreenshank3x Red Shank, 5x LRP, 5x Common Tern, Great Egret, Cuckoo, Hobby, (MSm)Stanley Poole3x Little Egret at 05:50, Peregrine finished at 07:10, 2x Common Sandpiper3x oyster catcher, (GBr)Berryhill Botteslow FlashWhinchat in marsh/scrub between flash and Causley brook (first Botteslow record), 2x ring-necked parakeet, 3x Garden Warbler, Little Egret, (RTo)Radford Meadows Stafford3x Little Gull2x Yellow Wagtail, Hobby, (RBr)Doxey MarshBlack-tailed Godwit, 2x Great Egret, Little Egret, 4x Cetti’s Warbler, 2x Shelduck(CAFH)Blithfield ResvTurnstone a moment on the road, (GJM)Turnstone by GJ MantDowns Banksredstart, 6x Garden Warbler2x yellowhammer, (CB)WombourneRing-necked parakeetDraycott on the MoorsYellowhammer…

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Middleton Lakes3x Avocets, 2x ringed plover, 3x LRP, Dunlin, 2x Common Tern, Cuckoo(MSm)Branston GPsWood Sandpiperin Ashy’s pit, (GWi) – ditto Greenshank, Redshank, Common Sandpiper, 7x Dunlin2x ringed plover, 4x oyster catcher, Marsh Harrier (f)Red Kite, 2x Little Egret, 6x Common Tern, Water Rail,18x Pochard, 12x Shelduck,Cuckoo, Green Woodpecker, 2x Yellow Wagtail, 4x Cetti’s Warbler, 4x Lesser Whitethroat, 6x Garden Warbler, (DSc, JWo, CEc, ASt, GWi, SBl, PFo)Wood Sandpiper by Jon WoodcockCastlecroft to DimmingsdaleGarden Warbler, 2x Cetti’s Warbler(IMo) – Finchfield Red Kite spinning at 11:45 and entertainment low NW, (GCl)Tittesworth WaterRedstart, Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, 2x Common Tern, 6x Mandarin, 7x Common…

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Middleton LakesWhimbrel, Curlew, Garganey, 4x Avocet, Cuckoo(MSm) – Red Shank2x LRP, Garden Warblers, (DCo)Belvide Resv2x Whimbrel, Turnstone until 11:40, Osprey until north of 13:00, drake Scaup still, 12x Arctic Tern3x Common Tern,Whitemoor Hay2x Avocet in the pit of the traffic lights, (ICW)Rudyard Lake12x Garden Warbler2x Common Sandpiper2x Oystercatcher, Common Tern(SSe)Berryhill Botteslow Flash2x Shelduck dawn, YL Gull, (RTo)Pendeford Hall Lane2x LRP, (I’m going)Calf Heathentertainment from A449 to i54 and STW at 16:49, (Hoppy)Radford Meadows Stafford14x ringed plover, 2x LRP, 2x Dunlin, Whimbrel, 18x Shelduck, 20x Gadwall, 2x Yellow Wagtail, (RSW)Branston GPs5x Common Tern, 4x Dunlin, 6x Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 4x…

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Middleton LakesNo sightings or sounds of Savi’s Warbler by 07:00, 2x Cuckoo, Grasshopper Warbler, (Pa)Belvide Resv2x Arctic Tern by N at 08:20, drake Scaup, Whimbrel, Greenshank,Tucklesholme2x Common Tern, Common Sandpiper, 2x Oystercatcher, Little Egret, 8x Shelduck, 18x Gadwall, 10x Egyptian Goose, 12x GC Grebe, 8x Cetti’s Warbler, 5x Lesser Whitethroat, 5x Garden Warbler, 9x Sedge Warbler, 6x Reed Warbler,8x linnet,(JWo)Rudyard Lakeentertainment in the far north at 11:25, and close to 2+ Tree Sparrow at Greenfield Farm in Dingle Lane, (GBr)Hill of guns2x entertainment, (LHa)Westport LakeReed Warbler at the top pool, (AR)Cannock Chaseentertainment Brindley Heath this afternoon, (GSt)BerryhillStonechat still, Reed Warbler,…

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Middleton LakesSavi’s Warbler at the Canal Pool, too Gargany,4x Avocet, LRP, Common Sandpiper, 2x Cuckoo(MSm) – Savi’s Warbler spinning at 20:58, (JWo) -entertainmentBelvide ResvWhimbrel, Greenshank, drake Scaup, Little Tern only until 14:15,Knypersley ResvLesser Whitethroat via Lodge Barn Road, Common Sandpiper on the causeway, 2x Water Railway in the Osier beds, 2x Mandarin, (UK)Tittesworth WaterRed Shank9x Common Sandpiper9x Oystercatcher6x Garden Warbler, Redstart(SGi)Rudyard Lake10x Garden Warbler, 3x Whitethroat(SSe)Kings BromleyOsprey flew NE over Manor Park sailing club at 18:05 also Common Tern, 2x Oystercatcher(BH)Blithfield ResvSanderling on the way, (GJM)Sanderling by GJ MantCuckoo BankGrasshopper Warbler, 5x Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Stonechat, Yellow Wagtail(GHa) Source link

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190 species have been recorded so far in Staffs 2024Cheddleton From the Valley to “The Boat” Willow Tit, Red Kite, Green Woodpecker, 2x Common Sandpiper, Oystercatcher, Goosander, 4x Sedge Warbler, (Ala)Belvide Resvwhisper, fem Marsh Harryto the south, Branston GPsBar-tailed Godwit, 2x whisper, 3x Dunlin, Ringed Plover, 10x oyster catcher, 5x Little Egret, Scaup (m), 12x Pochard, Mandarin, 8x by the way 20x Gadwall, 38x Shelduck, 32x Little Grebe, Marsh Harrier (f), wheat, 3x Yellow Wagtail, 20x swift, 5x Cetti’s Warbler, 3x Lesser Whitethroat, 4x Garden Warbler, 15x redpoll, (JWo, DSc, CEc, Dean, JHo, SJo, ABl, CBl, PAn, Ray) Bar-tailed Godwit…

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190 species have been recorded so far in Staffs 2024Middleton Lakes2x Growl in west scrape, Garganey, Cuckoo, 6x Fast, LRP, 2x Common Sandpiper, 2x Common Tern, Great Egret, 5x Garden Warbler, (MSm)Outwoods – flood at Park Farm6x White Wagtail, 3x Shelduck, 2x Dunlin5x ringed plover, (ABe)Tittesworth WaterYellow Wagtail, Redstart, Common Tern, (SGi) Yellow Wagtail by Steve GibsonEndon – Denford3x Garden Warbler2x Lesser Whitethroat, 2x LRP, Curlew(DCo)Carmountside FlashGrasshopper Warbler, RNP, Little Egret, (Ala)Stanley PooleCommon Sandpiper, Garden Warbler, (Ala)Belvide ResvWood Sandpiper until 13:40 onlygreenshank, 6x Common Sandpiper, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, ChasewaterShag still, Common Sandpiper, 2x Fast, Oystercatcher, 12x GC Grebe, (SWa)Berryhill2x…

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Middleton LakesSpotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper, 3x Green Sandpiper, 2x Garganey, LRP, 3x Snipe, Common Sandpiper,(MSm) – Common Tern7x fast, 3x Redshank, Garden Warbler,(SP)Berryhill3x Whinchat by Palletstacks mound, 10x Wheatear, Lesser Whitethroat, 2x stonechat, (RTo) – Sedge Warbler, House Martin, (IBu) – 2-3xWhinchat and 8x Wheatear 17:35 anyway, (Mom)Endon – Denford2x Shelduck, Wheatear, Lesser Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Green Woodpecker, Mandarin(DCo)Pool Hall2x Wheatear it’s me, (GCl)Belvide ResvBar-tailed Godwit3x Arctic Tern, Common Tern, Garden Warbler,Doxey MarshOsprey until 13:20, (RRa)Hem Heath Wood – Newstead STW2x Gadwall2x Little Grebe, Grasshopper Warbler, House Martin, (RGi)Whitemoor Hay10x Growl still, (TPe) – also Yellow Wagtail, Sedge Warbler(Pa)Shoal Hill…

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Middleton Lakes40x Red Shank stillLRP, 6x Snipe, Garganey, Common Tern through, Garden Warbler, Yellow Wagtail, 2x White Wagtail, (MSm)Whitemoor Hay10x Growl yet, 6x LRP, 8x Yellowhammer2x Lesser Whitethroat3x Sedge Warbler, Cetti’s warbler, 2x Little Egret,6x Shoveler, Yellow Wagtail(SCo), tonight Black-tailed Godwit2x Gray Partridge, White Wagtail, and the 10xGrowl still, (TPe)Berryhillpallet stacks – Whinchat4x Wheatear still,Curlew over, (RGi) – Botteslow Flash a Redstart tonight along the fence line running along the north side of the flash, (RTo)Belvide ResvDrake Gargany, drake Scaup, Arctic Tern,Blithfield Resv2x Arctic Tern early morning, 7x paint tail, (GJM) – 4x Arctic Tern at 14:30 also 6x Yellow…

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