Author: Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM

Here’s an amazing fact: Your gut microbiome contains approximately 100 TRILLION microbes, more than the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy! Your dog’s microbiome is equally complex. But even more amazing is how our dogs’ microbiome affects their overall health, affecting digestion, immunity, mood, and more. One of the best ways to support our dogs’ “nose to tail” health is by offering targeted gut support with high-quality probiotics. The probiotic that we formulated and that I also give to my dog ​​Pax (he takes two capsules per day) is called GutSense. And a little while longeryou can save…

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Is it just me, or does May fly away in the blink of an eye? As we approach the summer months, I wanted to share some health and longevity tips so you can spend more time on adventures instead of solving medical issues for your beloved dogs. But first, let me share a moment I had with a customer the other day. I don’t often log into our customer care phone system, but that day, I did, and the phone rang, so I answered it. For privacy reasons, I’ll call the client, Linda. She shared that for years, her dog…

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Reflecting on a Decade of Challenges and Blessings I want to share something personal with you today. Having recently turned 60, I reflect on the challenges and blessings I have experienced over the past decade. When I turned 50 ten years ago, my new start-up company was struggling. I want to maintain my values ​​and product quality, and bringing new business to a sustainable level is extremely difficult. I also know that if I get investors, they will push me to focus more on the bottom line than you and your dogs, and I don’t want that to happen. To…

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Welcome to our monthly recap of health tips and insights! Here’s what’s happening in the world of holistic dog care. Harnessing the Power of Laser Therapy: A Conversation with Dr. Laurie McCauley This month, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Laurie McCauley, an enthusiastic fire-cracker of a colleague, Dr. McCauley, who shed light on LIGHT! I mean the use of laser therapy in veterinary medicine and how you can effectively use it to help your dog. Rib Bone for Dogs This month, I also touched on one of the most controversial topics – RAW BONES Rib bones are…

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Latest Science and Research: What is the right dose of omega-3? Are there any side-effects? Regardless of your age, you’ve probably faced the challenge of dementia in your loved ones – parents, grandparents, partners, friends or even your dogs. My mother was also affected by this condition, and in a way, I lost her twice – once to dementia, and again when she left this world. This experience, but also witnessing the decline of other people and patients in my life, drove me to learn as much as I could about the mysteries of dementia, Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline in…

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Are puppies that get omega-3 smarter and better behaved? Similar to other chronic health conditions that humans share with dogs, our canine friends can also be affected by a condition called canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) or dog dementia, which is similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. . Here is some of the latest research and science behind CCD in dogs. Exercise can help prevent dog dementia! A 2022 study in Scientific Reports involving 15,019 dogs from the Dog Aging Project, found that regular exercise can potentially prevent cognitive dysfunction in dogs. Dogs that were reported to be inactive had a…

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Knowing this, your dog may be very lucky In the last email about Pax, I explained why many dogs end up with health issues after losing their sex hormone producing glands and that we must change the way to prevent dog overpopulation and homelessness. I mentioned the very important work of Dr. Michelle Kutzler, Dr. Linda Brent, Dr. Karen Becker, and Dr. Ruth… which strives to change the status quo through research, petitioning, and education about hormone-sparing birth control. The argument makes sense: people aren’t neutered and spayed to prevent unwanted pregnancies, so why should dogs be allowed when hormone-sparing…

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I’ve heard this before People come to me and say, “I give my dog ​​the best food, the best supplements, go for regular walks, take them to chiro, physio, and acupuncture, and despite all the this, my dog ​​is sick!” What’s wrong with me? You may be surprised, but I sometimes ask the same question. But what if we do nothing wrong? What if we had more than we lacked?! Let me explain When we adopted my dog ​​Pax in 2019, I thought I knew what he needed to grow into a healthy and strong dog. In the first 1.5…

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Discover the powerful benefits of fermented ginger for dogs and humans As dog groomers, our top priority is the health and happiness of our canine family members which greatly depends on their mobility and being disease-free. As we become more aware of common drug side effects, an increasing number of dog lovers are looking for safe, natural ways to keep their dogs injury, arthritis and inflammation free, and the same applies to recovery from injuries and operations. Surprisingly, fermented ginger is getting attention, especially in the area of ​​digestive health and mobility. Ginger is a superfood that offers a natural…

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“Your dog has arthritis.” This is a common phrase heard among pet parents and something each of us tries to avoid. But what exactly can we do? Are there breeds that are more prone? Are we supplements? What age do we start? These are the most common mobility-related questions on the minds of pet owners today, and I’m here to help answer them. Glucosamine and chondroitin have long been staples for canine joint health, especially for older dogs suffering from joint pain and arthritis. They’re not just popular with pet parents—they’re also commonly recommended by dog ​​mobility experts and veterinarians.…

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