About 46.5 million households in the United States own a cat, and if you’re part of this statistic, you’ve probably come across an ad for tracking the health of cat litters. The product changes color in response to the presence of specific markers in cat urine that can help owners spot early signs of a health problem.
But how reliable is monitoring the health of cat litters? Owning a pet can still be expensive, so it’s a good idea to be sure before buying a product that might not work. Health monitoring garbage can work, but it’s not foolproof. So, it should only be used as a tool and never as a diagnosis. Below, we’ll take a closer look at how this cat litter works and how you can benefit from it.
How Does Cat Litter Health Monitoring Work?
More than one brand makes cat litter that tracks health, but many work similarly. The waste is composed of light, silica gel that gives it an overall “crystalline” appearance. This gel is incredibly absorbent, so it works as a basic cat litter, but it’s also designed to change color based on various factors, such as the pH level of the urine. The thinking behind this is that color changes can alert you to urinary issues that merit veterinary attention.
Is Cat Litter Health Monitoring Reliable?
Cat litter health monitoring will let you know in real-time that your cat’s urine has changed. For example, it may show that the pH levels have changed, even if it doesn’t tell you why. Dog owners tend to learn more about their pets’ toilet habits than cat owners because the former are often with their dogs when they relieve themselves. .
Cats are a bit more solitary in this area. This sometimes makes it more difficult to answer the vet’s question about whether you’ve noticed anything unusual about your cat’s litter box habits lately. Cat poop that changes color can help you better answer this question. However, cats, unlike dogs, are not likely to have many changes in the pH of their urine with infections or urinary or kidney crystals, so these litters may be more beneficial to theory rather than actuality. Therefore, it is important to note that the results are not always accurate.
Is Health Monitoring Cat Litter For You?
While tracking cat litter health shouldn’t be relied upon for answers, it can certainly be a useful aid. So, how can you get the most out of changing the color of cat litter? Talk to your veterinarian to determine if this might be a useful addition, even temporarily, to your litter arsenal. The following instances may several times consider the use of waste:
- Cats with health problems: If your cat is prone to health problems, such as UTIs or cystitis, knowing there is blood in the urine before it becomes a big problem, can be helpful.
- Older cats: Older female cats are often more likely to develop UTIs.
- Diabetes: Cats with diabetes may benefit from urine sugar testing. Not all health monitoring litters test for sugar or work well even if they do, so other options such as urine test sticks can be obtained from your veterinarian.
Are There Disadvantages to Consider?
Finding the perfect cat litter can be difficult, especially if you have a fussy cat. So, if your cat likes their current cat litter, you may not want to change. Silica gel can also irritate the paws of some cats, so the change may be out of your control.
You should also note that some health-tracking cat litters are not yet available in all local stores, so you’ll need to get them online in some cases, depending on where you live. There is also cost to consider as health monitoring wastes carry a heavier price tag than traditional wastes. Some are additives available only through your veterinarian, as well.
If you’re not sure if this cat litter is for you, your veterinarian can offer advice based on your cat’s health care needs.
Final Thoughts
Monitoring the health of cat litter can serve a purpose in some situations, as long as the results are taken with a grain of salt. Don’t expect this cat litter to replace the answers you get from your vet. If you want to use litter to help you and your vet deal with a specific health problem, this may be an option, but be aware that it can also have pitfalls. Ultimately, your veterinarian is the best resource for keeping your cat healthy.
Featured Image Credit: Duet PandG, Shutterstock