Our area is getting heavy rain! So it’s a good thing that the children’s hospital we visit is just over 10 minutes away from us. And the rain wasn’t too bad on the drive over, or back.
It wasn’t a busy day there, so we made the most of our visits, and I got to spend quality time with the kids I saw. One of the first was a girl with a wrist brace. Her father watches over her and her two-year-old sister. They were so happy to see me! I even gave the girl a high five.
The toddler was sitting on his father’s lap, but eventually he wanted to get off so he could be with me. His attention was all over the place, so at first he almost ignored me. Then he’ll get moody and start screaming – apparently it’s way past his bedtime. I don’t care, but I can see my man trying not to wince. He’s such a nice kid when he’s not messing around.
On our way to other patients, we stopped at an exam room where the woman was busy putting on a cast. My man promised to come back to me.
But first we stop at an exam room with a boy lying on a table with an IV in his arm. Her crooked legs and small body were propped up on some pillows and rolled towels and my man saw her wheelchair sitting next to the sofa. Reluctantly, he placed me on the table because he didn’t want to disturb any of the props or the IV, but he really wanted to see me. He smiled and petted me with his free hand while his mom talked to my human in English and Spanish. It was a really sweet visit, and near the end, his aunt showed up, then his grandmother. The whole family was there to support him, and the mood was warm and welcoming.
Finally we go back to see the little girl with the cast. He had to stand with his mother with her arm up in the cast while it dried. So my man placed me on the exam table so the woman could easily reach me and hug me. Meanwhile, his mother chatted with my man about life in Taiwan, where he is from.
I had a wonderful visit with these kids, and I’m glad the rain didn’t stop us.
Here are some of my other children’s hospital visits: