Health Issues in Ferrets
A variety of health issues often plague ferrets, but there is one illness they can develop before they are even born that can have its own challenges.
Waardenburg Syndrome is a disorder that develops while the kit is still in the womb, but with some special management strategies, they can still live a beautiful and happy life.
What is Waardenburg Syndrome?
First discovered in 1916 by a Dutch ophthalmologist, it went through many studies over the years, finally being named and formulated by Petrus Johannes Waardenburg in 1951. He divided the disorder into four categories. Type 2A is the type most commonly suffered by ferrets.
Also called Neural Crest Disorder, Waardenburg Syndrome is a genetic disorder that runs on a spectrum. It is found in small mammals and sometimes in humans.
Neural crest cells in the brain are responsible for many different developments in the body. The cells travel through the neural tube from the brain down the body to help build the bones and cartilage of the face, the gut and build muscle. Neural crest cells also play a part in building tissue around many glands, including the eye.
Symptoms and Signs
Not all Waardenburg ferrets will have every symptom. It is common for them to carry only a few symptoms, and depending on what your ferret is struggling with, the number of symptoms will be proportional to the amount of training and care they will need.
- Deafness (partial or total)
- White coat (color of blaze or panda fur)
- Pigment changes in eyes, fur and skin
- Baby face look
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Mental defects
- Behavioral issues/lack of social skills
- Abnormal gait
- The eyes are further apart
- flat head
- Strange head movement
Management of Symptoms
Having a deaf ferret is definitely a challenge, but they don’t seem to be bothered by it, because they were born that way and it’s normal for them.
To test their hearing or lack thereof, start with general conversation and noise. You can turn up the volume on this type of sound to see if your ferret responds or not. If not, try tapping the floor or stomping and see if they feel the vibration. They are also easily startled if they don’t hear you coming.
The last test is the “vacuum test” This simply involves running your vacuum cleaner to see if they have any reaction to the noise. If your ferret is partially deaf, they may respond slightly.
Once you know their hearing status, it’s time to work on some training. Some ferrets will respond to certain hand signals to help them understand. They can look at your body movements and facial expressions to help them know what is good and bad. It’s a good idea to try and make some kind of vibration on the floor to let them know you’re coming if they startle easily.
Both you and your ferret will adopt and learn each other’s habits over time.
Behavioral Problems
A big problem with a Waardy ferret is that they don’t understand the cues that other ferrets give them. Because they can’t hear, they don’t know if they’re being too rough or doing something the other ferrets don’t like.
Observation is your friend. Watch your ferrets play and correct your Waardy when you feel the need to step in. They will usually start to learn how other ferrets like to play, but they can still be overly excited at times. You may need to step in from time to time to redirect their energy elsewhere.
Some ferrets with Waardenburg syndrome have a sensitive digestive system. If you find this to be the case, you should talk to your vet who can help you come up with a diet that suits their needs.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Waardenburg Syndrome. It is a genetic mutation that they carry for life. It is not contagious, and it will never spread to other ferrets this way.
You may need to treat certain symptoms just to relieve any pain or other health problems that may occur.
They are both Eligible
Most ferrets with Waardenburg Syndrome lead healthy and regular lives. Their care poses some challenges, but they can still form a loving bond with you and other ferret friends.
A little patience may be required, but otherwise they will be just like any ferret pet. You’re also giving a ferret a nice home that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Sandy Hogan, Everything You Need to Know About Waardenburg Syndrome in Ferrets, Critters AplentyURL:
Cute Pet Care (April 15, 2022), Understanding Waardenburg Syndrome in Ferrets – A Complete Guide, Cute Pet CareURL:
Holistic Ferret Staff, Neural Crest/Waardenburg Syndrome, Holistic Ferret ForumURL:
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not intended to replace diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals showing signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.
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