We ran out of food again, so I visited the pet shop again! I know, it seems like I’m running out of food! But there is a reason. Since I’m a small cat and I don’t eat a lot, my human buys every brand of my food at different pet shops. That way, he spreads out our visits to a variety of small local businesses. And I get more outings. So it’s a win for everyone.
There was a big dog in the shop when we arrived, so we kept our distance until he and his owner left. While we waited for them to check out, my human let me explore one of the cat trees and some of the soft beds on display.
Once they left I was free to explore. One of the first places I went was a display of catnip toys.
I also stopped at the dog section, but not for long. Because let’s face it, dog toys are boring!
We didn’t get any cat treats this visit, but I still wanted to look.
I was also hugged by a very nice store employee.
He even offered me a treat. It’s all fish, so I’m not that interested. But his offer is good.
The best part? My man gave me a new Barnyarn Buddy to replace the one peach kitty broke!