There’s one time and one time only when you don’t want to disappoint your kitty — dinner time. Yes, cats are notorious for getting antsy when their food is late. And you definitely don’t want to cross a Maine Coon Cat kitten, who is already hungry waiting for his owners to pony up his food.
The baby likes their dinner. And they weren’t afraid to cause a scene to get it.
In fact, the kitten is chomping on the bit to deliver his food. As a video from her owner @oneladymanycats shows, she is pawing at her mom’s oven and crying her eyes out to serve her food. feed me! Feeeed me! he seems to be crying. At one point, a larger cat enters the frame and the kitten turns to them hoping they will help her get food.
Related: 60-Second Video of Maine Coon’s Transformation From Kitten to Cat Is Wild
“Baby Maine Coon Cat throws a tantrum,” reads the video’s onscreen caption. That’s an understatement!
Commentators screamed. “She has big plans and can’t wait for the food,” one person joked. “Same, little dude. Same,” teased another commenter. “How dare you not have the food on the ground instantly!” added a third person.
How Fast Do Maine Coon Kittens Grow?
This little one is obviously small. But one day he will become a full-fledged cat. There are several stages that a Maine Coon Cat goes through as it grows. The first is kitten-hood (like this year) which can last several months of their life. At this stage, the kittens will play hard and go until they fall asleep. They are rough and tumble cats!
At about seven months, they’ll go through a “teenage” phase — which doesn’t mean they’ll listen to rock music and refuse to clean their rooms. They will be more standoffish and independent at that age. They probably don’t want to be touched. The teenage phase usually lasts until the kittens are about 1 and a half years old.
But don’t worry, they’ll get back to you. As Maine Coon Cats continue to grow, they will become more affectionate. The Maine Coon reaches full maturity at about 4 to 5 years of age. When they become mature, they will not leave you. You probably remember when they were “young”— but that’s all part of the charm of a Maine Coon Cat. They are very affectionate, people-loving kittens. And if you give them time, they’ll grow to be your best furry friends for life.
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